A light painting of a question mark in the dark.

Professional Organizing Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get started and come up with a plan?

Let’s discuss our professional organizing frequently asked questions so you can learn more. The phone consultation and in-home consultation with an organizer is part of the process to determine your goals, needs, and the best place to start.

How do I estimate how many hours are needed for my home?

The in-home consult is very helpful to determine an estimate of hours needed to complete room/ rooms in your home. A good rule of thumb is 3 hours per medium sized room. This is, however, an estimate and fully depends on amount of clutter, size of room, Client’s goals, and their willingness to participate.

Once I buy an hourly package, what happens next?

Depending on the Organizer’s and Client’s schedule and timeline of the project, professional organizing sessions are scheduled out to complete the project. Sessions are usually 4-6 hours in length.

Should I be there during the organizing process?

Yes. Especially at first! This is your space and you are in charge of what items you keep, what you can part with, and flow of space. Once the organizer gets to know you a little better, it becomes easier to complete tasks for you. Ultimately, the more you participate, the more the space will fit you and your lifestyle.

Do I need to prepare for the organizer to come?

No. As a matter of fact, keeping your home like it is helps the organizer to see the problem areas and make recommendations. We are there to help you, not judge you.

Do I need to buy organizing product ahead of time?

No. Once we work in a space, it becomes more clear what products might benefit you and your space; We can reuse items you already have and make recommendations during the process of what might be helpful to buy.

Do you still have questions about the professional organizing process? Contact us here to get those answered or to get the process started.

Wandering if you need professional organizer? Get our guide here.

See you soon,
