The leaves are changing, the air is becoming crisp, and the holiday season is just around the corner. Regardless of if you are someone that waits to put up the tree until after Thanksgiving, or you’ve already been listening to Christmas music for a while, it’s never a bad idea to start prepping your home for the upcoming holiday season.

Here are 5 ways to prep your home for the holidays!

Ready the Kitchen

The kitchen is the one room in your home that probably sees the most action during this time of the year. Whether baking your famous holiday cookies or hosting a family dinner, it’s important that your kitchen is primed and ready to go for the holiday season.

Start by checking the pantry to be sure you have everything you will need for your baked goods and holiday dinner needs. There is nothing worse than finding out you are missing a vital ingredient on the day of your holiday event.

Get out the cookie cutters and any food appliances you think you will need and test everything so you know it’s in good working order.

Finally, don’t forget to clean out the fridge. You’ll need space for storing prepared dishes and leftovers. Click here to learn about the best ways to clean out your fridge.

Guest Areas

If you have a spare room where guests will be staying for the holidays it’s time to get it ready. Often, guest rooms can turn into a catch-all space. Now is the perfect time to go through items in your spare room and make space for guests.

If your spare room is dual purpose, such as an office space, consider how you can temporarily change up the space to make your guest feel more comfortable and at home.

Get Out The Decorations

Don’t wait until it is decorating time to open up all your storage boxes. No matter how carefully you might pack, ornaments can get broken, hooks can go missing, and lights can go out. It’s never a bad idea to look through it all to make sure everything is in working order, and also to ensure you still want to use the decorations you have.

Purge the Toys

With Santa on the way and a whole bunch of toys in his sleigh, now is the time to clear out the old and get ready for the new. Have your children help you declutter their toys by getting them to pick out the toys that they would like to share with others, and donate to a local charity or shelter.

This is a wonderful way to spread holiday cheer to those that need it most and make space in your home for presents that may be coming in.

Prepare the Wrapping

There is always that moment before Christmas when everyone is rushing around trying to find last-minute gifts and wrapping presents. Check your wrapping supplies now to ensure you have enough tape, ribbon, boxes, tags, wrapping paper, and bows that you need.

Getting Your Home Ready For The Holiday Season

The holidays are a magical time of year, but they can also bring stress if you’re not prepared. Planning ahead is the key to being able to relax and really enjoy the holiday season as you should. You deserve it! Just remember, life is busy and we don’t always have the luxury of time on our side. If you are looking for a little holiday help this year to prepare your home, we are here to help.

Book your free consultation today so our team of organizers can get your home holiday ready!

Wandering if you need professional organizer? Get our guide here.

See you soon,
