Can you imagine a fully organized home that looks great, functions well, and reduces stress? That might seem like something that can only happen in your dreams, right? In today’s blog, let’s discuss common mistakes made when trying to get your home organized and what to do about them. With a little knowledge and a plan, we can all have an organized home.

Mistake #1: Procrastinating Getting Started
It is common to let your organization tasks slide until you have a large chunk of time to deal with them. The problem is that large blocks of time are usually hard to come by these days. We recommend starting small. Start in one space at a time and divide it into sections. This creates manageable steps and little wins along the way. Baby steps allow for less overwhelm and more success.

Mistake #2: Buying Supplies Before Sorting
A common question we often get as professional organizers is, what do I need to buy before you come? Our answer…nothing! We recommend waiting to purchase bins, baskets, and the like after you have sorted your space, decluttered, and really know what you need for your space. Purchasing storage solutions before you have this information can take a lot of time and resources to have to return to the store for different items.

Mistake #3: Delaying Donations
Once you have sorted a space and decluttered, we recommend taking the items to donations immediately. A lot of times, clients wait so long to donate the items that they add to the clutter and stress of your home again. Not to mention, leaving donations around too long can cause you to start to re-evaluate why you got rid of the items in the first place. Once you decide what stays and what can go away in a space, deal with it then to help the organizing process move along.
For decluttering tips, read How to Succeed at Decluttering: Proven Strategies for Success.

Mistake #4: Relying Only on Stacking Storage
Many times, clients think that stacking your items can add space to your home. Adding stackable bins is a great start, but this can still leave your items inaccessible if you have to unstack things each time you need something. Think vertical, too! Adding shelves where the lidded bins can give creates more space, gets items off the floor, and allows for improved function. Bonus- if you add labels so you know what is stored in each bin, this ramps up the organization even more.

Mistake #5: Overstuffing Storage Areas
One other mistake we see is that clients tend to fill their storage areas so tightly that it is difficult to fit anything else and to access the items already in there. Our recommendation is to leave some breathing room and maybe some empty shelves so you can move things around, add to, and access what you need. Your future self will thank you for the extra space.

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