Upon completing a home organization project, clients feel relieved and less stressed. They even say that they had no idea that their space was impacting them so much until it was organized and everything was in its place. Today, we are sharing 3 simple organizing routines for maintaining your home organization long term.
Routine #1: Ten Minutes to Tidiness
10 minutes to tidiness is something we can each do every day to keep clutter at bay. Walk through your home with a basket in hand and gather things that are not in their correct space. Then, return them to where they belong. This is a great and consistent way to maintain organization.

Routine #2: Fifteen Minutes of Fast Decluttering
A 15-minute decluttering session is another great way to keep your home organized and clutter under control. Pick one space that has been neglected and pull each item out of the space. Group items in 3 piles: keep, donate, and toss. Be honest, and only keep what you really need and use it on a regular basis. Then, take care of each pile swiftly. Doing this decluttering session reguallrly as one of your organizing routines (one time/a week for example) can make a big difference in how much you are storing. You’ll be amazed at how much lighter and more relaxed you’ll feel in your home after just one session.

Routine #3: Half Hour to Hosting Bliss
Do you have company coming over soon? Use this “half an hour to hosting bliss” technique to get things ready in a hurry. Put away shoes, realign the welcome mat, and arrange throw pillows; load the dishwasher, wipe the counters, and light a candle. These are all super quick tasks that can really bring your home back together and make it look great before your guests arrive.
Small decluttering and reset sessions can be a great way to keep clutter from feeling overwhelming. However, we know that despite your best efforts, sometimes life just gets in the way, and these routines aren’t doable. No sweat! We offer maintenance services to past clients who need a bit of extra help keeping their spaces organized.
Feeling overwhelmed in your own home despite your attempts to tidy up? Give us a call. We would love to help you declutter and destress!
Wandering if you need professional organizer? Get our guide here.
See you soon,