Over the past six years at Pretty Neat: An Organizational Solution, we’ve had the privilege of helping clients through professional organizing. Along the way, we’ve learned some valuable lessons, and today, we’d like to share the top three with you.

Consistency is the Foundation of Our Success

Consistency has been crucial in building our business over the years—whether it’s consistency in our messaging, our follow-through, or our organizing processes. It allows clients to clearly understand who we are, what we stand for, and what to expect when working with us. This is especially important since clients invite us into their homes and their personal spaces. We want them to feel comfortable, trust us, and build a strong rapport right from the start.


The Power of Clear Communication

Clear communication is essential in any business, but it’s especially important in a home organizing business, where we work within clients’ personal spaces. At Pretty Neat, we prioritize strong communication from the initial consultation to the final result. We make it a point to follow through, ensuring our work aligns with the client’s goals and expectations.


Our Commitment to Exceptional Service

The bottom line is that we treat others the way we would want to be treated. We work hard and dedicate ourselves to understanding and meeting each client’s needs. Whether it’s organizing, decluttering, or move management, we’re here to support our clients every step of the way.

At Pretty Neat: An Organizational Solution, here in Oklahoma City, we will continue to provide excellent service and uphold values we’re proud of for the next six years and beyond. If you need help organizing a space, contact us today.

If you found these lessons helpful and want more expert advice throughout the year, be sure to sign up for our newsletter

See you soon,


Categories: Home Organization