
Organizing the pantry is no small project, but once organized meal prep becomes faster, kids can find snacks on their own, and let’s not forget – it just looks so pretty! 

With the holidays around the corner, it’s the perfect time to set aside some time to dedicate to this often forgotten space. To help you get started, we listed 8 simple steps for organizing the kitchen pantry – the right way. 

Plus, we have even included our favorite pantry products so you can shop for your own pantry. Bonus: If you know someone that loves to cook or bake, these items make awesome Christmas gifts! 

A person is holding some food in their hand.

8 Steps to an Organized Pantry 

Organize your pantry like a pro and get amazing product recommendations below! Here are out 8 steps to organize any pantry space. 

  1. Clean it out

Start by removing all of the items out of your pantry. Clear off your kitchen island, or dining room table where you can sort through all of the items. Then, discard any expired items & donate nonperishable foods that you don’t plan to use. Local food banks will be more than happy to take these items – especially during this time of year. 

  1. Measure your shelves

Get your tape measure and gather the dimensions of your shelves. This will help you determine the best size products you need. This is also a great time to measure & install shelf liners

  1. Decant 

Transfer pantry staples such as sugar, flour, and rice into see-through canisters like these. Decanting not only helps to keep items fresh, but it allows you to easily see what you have and when you are running low on an item. These types of canisters are also stackable, so you can utilize the space between shelves. 

Group like items and baking supplies together in small bins and label the contents. For example, group containers of baking soda and baking powder in a single basket. Make use of vertical space by placing your bins on cabinet shelves.

  1. Ditch the packaging

Similar to decanting, it’s a great idea to remove excess packaging. Packaging takes up space and the visual clutter of it can make a space look chaotic. Items that come in boxes can still be contained by using baskets or bins like these

  1. Don’t hide your cans

Instead of stacking cans on top of one another try one of these tiered shelf organizers. Another option is a gravity-fed can dispenser, or even a Lazy Susan. Using any one of these products keeps your cans from getting lost.

  1. Group items together

When you start adding the rest of your items keep similar things together, or in the same group. For example, baking items such as chocolate chips, sugar, and cake mixes should be close together. Cereals can be stacked next to each other, and our favorite – the snack bin! Use a large basket or bin dedicated to snacks. The kids will love it and plus they won’t make a mess. 

  1. Use your door space 

The inside of your cabinet or pantry doors offer valuable storage space. Door organizers can be used to store an array of items such as sandwich bags, spices, or grocery bags. 

  1. Label, label, and label

Label bins, containers, and shelves so every person in your family knows where items are located. You can use a label maker or use a chalk marker and handwrite the labels as well. This is especially great if you plan to change a bin or basket for another use. That way you don’t have to replace the entire label, just erase and rewrite.

The most important step to organizing your pantry 

While the above steps are great for getting your pantry organized, the most important thing you can do is maintain it! All of your hard work will unfortunately go to waste if not maintained over time. 

Encourage your family to put items back in their designated spots when using them or while unloading groceries. Labels will greatly help with this! 

Above all, organize your pantry to fit you and your families needs. While there is nothing wrong with a Pinterest worthy pantry, pretty shouldn’t cause you to sacrifice necessity. 

Need help organize your pantry? 

If you tried to organize your pantry in the past, don’t have the time, or simply want someone to do it for you we have just what you need. 
Check out our organizing packages, and get in touch today!

Wandering if you need professional organizer? Get our guide here.

See you soon,
