Are you experiencing a big life change currently? Have you sold your home and are packing to move, or maybe you are going through a divorce or a death in the family? Life can be stressful or difficult sometimes. Organizing is not the magic fix, but it can help create order and a plan, taking some of the stress out of the situation.


Organizing When Life Itself Feels Unorganized

The organizing process is a way to get a plan and start fresh. It helps clear the physical and mental clutter so you are not as overwhelmed and can process. Organizing can help prepare you for the next phase of life and it helps you reassess what is really important—what you want in your life moving forward. These are just a few of the benefits organizing can provide.


Change Often Requires Some Reorganization

Big life changes can disrupt our lives in many ways. These disruptions can leave you with a physical space in disarray. This chaos also impacts us by further increasing stress and mental overwhelm. It seems that our physical space can affect our mental space. Getting your home organized can improve your situation both physically and mentally. Home organization can also save you time and money moving forward.


Build On What You Know

When big life changes come, instead of focusing on what is not working, focus on what habits and systems do work. What will make your life and your schedule work better moving forward. At Pretty Neat: An Organizational Solution, we focus on helping clients build on what they know to get reorganized and reset their space and their lives. This is always a great step to overcome big life changes.


Let Go Of Expectations

We grant you permission to let go of your previous expectations and let us help you determine what is “organized enough” and what works for you right now. What is best for you in this season of life? Relieving the pressure and the stress of your external environment can make these big changes more bearable.

Getting Organized Can Be Self-Care

When big life transitions happen, taking good care of yourself should be a top priority. Getting organized and taking control of something small, even one space, can certainly be one form of self-care and a small win. If you are already overwhelmed and don’t know where to start, reach out for help. You don’t have to go at it alone.


Want to find solace in your home during a big life transition? At Pretty Neat, it is our mission to help you get through these big life changes by helping organize your external environment. We offer organizing of any space, as well as move management services to help you get unpacked and settled in your new home. 

Reach out to learn more about how we can help you through this time of change.

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Categories: Home Organization