In just a few short weeks we get to welcome a brand new season -spring! That means flowers, driving with the windows down, and getting to retire those winter jackets for a little while. It also means spring cleaning and spring organization. 

Over the winter, it seems we collect more clutter around the house, and to help you get your home ready for the coming season we’ve compiled a list of 4 main spaces to organize so you can start your spring organization off right.

7 Spaces to Organize Before Spring


One of the most important areas of your home to declutter and organize before spring, is your closet. Depending on how much space you have, I always recommend packing up out-of-season clothes and storing them in sealed containers with lids. This way your items stay safe and dry and you have more room for the current seasons clothes. 

If your closet has enough room to keep clothes of every season inside, start by moving items like sweaters, jackets, boots, and coats to the back of your closet. This will save you time since you won’t need to sort through clothes you won’t be wearing. 

This is also a great time to take out any items that you didn’t wear, that are too big or small, or that you just don’t like. You’ll be amazed at how much easier it is to get ready when the items you have to choose from are only pieces you really love to wear. 

Organization tip: Categorize and color-code your clothes to give your closet a boutique feel.

Garage/Laundry Room

The garage and laundry room can often be a catch-all area for school items, shoes, bags, toys, and sports equipment. This is a graet area to tackle for spring organization. By taking an hour or two and dedicating it to this area, you’ll save yourself and your family tons of time because everything will be easy to find.

First Aid +

Create a bin dedicated to first aid supplies, sunscreen, and even bug spray. These are items you will often be reaching for during the spring and summer so having it easily accessible and labeled will make things a breeze. 

Sports Equipment 

A change in season often means a change in sports. Take a moment to go through any sports equipment your family will no longer be needing and store it in a clear, waterproof bin. Next, prepare any current sports equipment so that things are easy to find, and have a place to store when not in use. This is a great way to ensure kids always have what they need, and nothing gets lost. 


Its time to say goodbye to the sled and break out the bikes, chalk, and pool floats. Get your children involved in helping to decide what toys they might not have played with during the colder months so they can make room for their current toys. 


This one might sound silly, but it can make a big difference! Go through your car and declutter any toys, cups, clothes, or anything that doesn’t belong. Next create a grab n go bag that includes items like sunscreen, bug spray, flashlights, a first aid kit, snacks, and possibly even a collapsable chair. All of these items are great to have on hand especially if you have kiddos that play a spring sport. 


You might be thinking – why do I need to organize my fridge before spring? Well, its a great idea to organize and clean your refrigerator every couple of months, but I especially like doing it before spring so I can make space for all the delicious spring fruits.

So many yummy springtime favorites and it can be a challenge to get everything to fit and be accessible when you’ve got a cluttered fridge. Start by removing any expired items and leftovers. Also, consider using acrylic bins to keep drinks and smaller products contained so items stay together. If you want more tips on how to organize your fridge click here.

Hire a Pro. to Get Your Home Spring Ready 

Remember, you don’t have to do it alone. It’s ok to ask for help and get support in your home so that you have more time for yourself and your family. Our team of Professional Organizers can declutter and organize any space in your home and get you organized and ready without you needing to lift a finger. Contact us to book a free consultation for spring organization!

Wandering if you need professional organizer? Get our guide here.

See you soon,
